My horoscope was on point for today;
Taurus; Although many of your friends may already be in party mode, you're looking ahead to the rest of the weekend and realizing that you don't want to expend too much energy. You can see how much work is in front of you and, fortunately, have enough common sense to reserve your strength for when you will need it. But keep in mind that enjoying some time in the company of others can also be rejuvenating in a different kind of way.

There is so much going on this weekend in atl, and I'm missing it all. For pretty decent reasons, at least I think so. Like my horoscope stated I have a busy, productive and interesting week ahead of me. I'm trying to start October out on a good note and the only way to do that is to complete all of Septembers madness. Hanging out and partying will always be an option. Priorities and responsibilities come first and some people fail to realize that because they have yet to have any.
HAPPY FALL (late)!


photo recap

Monday night with a slight cold, heading to dinner with a friend.

 One early morning, rushing to work. 

p.s I did my hair myself :)
Married to the Mob Fall II drop!
I have nothing against trying to gain more exposure or Shanell, but really Leah?
I swear this brand gets more commercial each collection.
I'll take the hungry, raw, and edgy model for $100 pls!
Or at least someone that's not just jumping on the wagon because they were asked to but because their actually a bad bitch who can prove it. This shit is not a long shot from babyphat and applebottoms.
Don't get me wrong, I mos def checked out their sample sale recently on plndr, but my love for the brand is mos def not as strong as it used to be.

View the full collection here

 I fell in like with MadeMe last year around this time, and while the collection is hot it doesn't top their fall '09 collect. The video made it 10 x's more exciting I must say. 
 Available on mademe.com & karmaloop.com


A little more detail

I logged onto tumblr for the first time, in 4 months! Not to sound like a geek or whatever, I've been on the internet but mainly fb and twitter. I'm never on long enough to blog or check any of my favorite blogs, fashion sites, hear new music, etc. Either way, it doesn't matter anymore. To sum my summer up; it wasn't shit. All I've done was work, cake up, party every other week/end, and work. While people are getting settled into a new school year..I'm still waiting on my financial aid with CAU to come through. Its not totally their fault this time, I procrastinated all summer and should of been turned in all the necessary forms. Idk, my main focus has been work and $$$. I'm not excited about clark like I used to be, don't get me wrong I love my university as a whole but when it comes to my education, money (debt) and career I have to do whats best. Clark to me is all hype, especially being a fashion major. I haven't learned shit and quite frankly I feel like I'm wasting my $$$. Not too long ago, I was talking with my manager. She said she hired me, because she felt bad that I was going to CAU as a fashion major, she went to FIDM so its understandable that she thinks that. But ain't that some shit! I'm gonna wait and see what happens but in the meantime I looking at transferring to the Art Institute the only thing is that I keep hearing bad things about there as well. I'm just confused.

Not everything is bad, I'm close to someone right now whose pretty much been the highlight of my summer. I don't go around saying I have a boyfriend, because I don't like titles (he hates that) so right now were untitled but 100% dedicated to one another. He gets on my nerves at times, and he has his flaws but I'm not perfect either and I'd rather be with something that cares about me over what I can do for them.

That's pretty much it, I'm not going to even vent about work. It's something new at that place everyday. Lets just say we opened in April and a lot of people have quit and or currently looking elsewhere. My sister will be here for good Tuesday. So that should be interesting, and good to have some immediate family close by.
I'm also almost done paying off my car, I feel like this car has been the main reason for my stress all summer. For all I've been through I might as well had went to a dealership. I'll just be glad when its all over.

Perfect timing...

 The Rest Is Her Story
It must mean something, that not long after I start getting back online...one of my favorite 
brands release their Fall Delivery one collection! 
Hellz, duhhh!
View the full lookbook here.


I'm still alive, if anyone cares or still checks up on my blog. I haven't blogged all summer, I've been staying with family and just gave in and got internet hooked up. Surprised I made it this long without, I feel so out of touched with the world. I'm gonna update the look, and hopefully posting will continue!!


In Like...
Lately it's been on my mind, that I'm not "in like" with anybody. The weather is warming up and usually a boyfriend or being any type of serious would be the farthest thing from my mind. Cheating season is right around the corner, and it's just not the time to be getting serious. However I've been talking to dude for a couple weeks now, I'm just so undecided. We were talking the other night and he basically said he see's me as his girl..whatever blah. I didn't say anything, and right now I just don't know how to feel about him. I think I tried so hard not to like him in the beginning that it's hard for me to genuinely have feelings for him. It's crazy, like he just text me twice, and I have yet to respond and I probably won't. Don't ask why, it's just one of those rules. Don't always be available. Even if you're bored of out your mind, and waiting on that call or text. Make him think, and wonder..feel me??

This picture is old, but it shows my attempt at make-up. I'm slowly falling in love with it, even though I have to get up a little earlier than before.


Yesterday was fun, day one of car shopping. Didn't find anything, so the search continues. Just feels good to know I'll be rolling in my own ish soon. I'm hoping to find something by Wed. because I'm thinking about going to Alabama Saturday after work to visit my bf. I'm so tempted to get a car note, but I'll just be patient. I'm already dreading having to pay insurance. Stopped by my patna's bday party, it was coo, got turn't. I don't understand how ppl say being high helps them focus or whatever because once I'm lit it's a wrap for anything that causes me to think too much!
Things are starting to look up, just taking it one day at a time!

peep my new key chain, still can't believe how much I paid for that shit, but oh well. I was hesitant to get it because of the rainbow but aahh whatever it's cute lmao.

 I think I'm going to like this new job.
I got there early, and I decided to do some shopping, this job and location 
is going to be bad business on my pockets. I'm such a impulse shopper.
I need to go on a major shopping spree for new work clothes!


Spring is here..
Damn time flies, march is damn near over and I think its safe to start anticipating my birthday. This week has started out so shitty, I'm already looking forward to Friday. Up until now I've been good trying to maintain two jobs and school but since I got high as shit Saturday, my attitude has been so "fuck it!" I'm sure my family wouldn't be happy how I've been handling one of my jobs. I was extra late two days in a row, I called in yesterday and I was scheduled today but was running late and my bus was leaving when I got to the station and wouldn't let me on. Talk about tight, fucking asshole I was so pissed. What was so hard about opening the damn door and letting me on?! nothing! So I basically was a no call, no show. I'm tired of calling in everyday about being late and I just put my two weeks in Monday so I was just like fuck it and brought my ass back to campus. I turned my phone off and did what I do best, sleep the stress away. I also have PMS like shit, so my tolerance was already low. I've never been extremely late or called in to any job, so it really bothered me to leave this job like this, even though I didn't care for it. I can't blame anyone but myself, shit happens.

I'm not focused on school like I should be, had a group presentation today for one of my classes and we did horrible. Mainly because it was all last minute! I hate group projects!
Things just aren't going how I hoped they would be going by now.
On a good note, I can officially start looking for a car. I thought about getting a note, but I'm not ready for that yet. Things are starting off good with the new job at Nordstrom too. I feel like its just the beginning and a good start for me career wise, the discount doesn't hurt either!


"Real bitches fuck with me...
..and I don't give a fuck who don't!"
Can't wait to see the outcome.
Peep my husband, ooo lawd.


Grind time..
Spring break is over, and mine was pretty much nonexistent. Miami was mos def calling my name, things just weren't in my favor I guess. I pretty much chilled around and worked the entire break. One thing I know for sure is that things mos def have to start looking up. I have 2mths of school left, which means 2mths to grind and save $$$ so that I'm comfortable in my own space for the summer.I don't understand how ppl, can be okay with being broke. Unless you're living the good life and someone else is taking care of your responsibilities, what is your purpose?! I'm more than likely going to quit my current job, because its a conflict of interest with the new one and try to land a night shift job...
Bills and addictions aren't going to handle themselves!
Sex on the first date?
Checking up on my favorite gossip sites, I came across this interview with Stacy Dash about her new reality show (who cares) and her relationship with Jamie Foxx (no really, who cares?).
WW: You’ve been engaged six times and married three? You think that one of your problems is having sex too early, first date status.
SD: You know what happened is I slept with all of my husbands on the first date, they said, ‘Marry me’ and I said, ‘Yes!’ So there you go.
WW: So have you had sex with Jamie Foxx?
SD: No.
WW: Why? That was the first date.
SD: No, no I’m not doing that anymore.
via (theybf.com

The fact that she's been engaged 6 times, and divorced 3 is crazy but lets talk about sex. Chilling with a friend, just drinking and getting to know each other. We wanted to play a drinking game, but with only 2 ppl and no cards we couldn't play any of my favorite games. So we decided on "I've Never"  which was coo cause it gave us a chance to get to know each other and low key be nosey. So not to drag this out, he said "I've never, had sex on the first date." and that led to a big debate about how males and females think differently regarding the situation. He feels that it's no big deal because, we're grown so why play games. A person knows right away after meeting someone if they want and or can see themselves having sex with someone so why play the good role and hold out. Whether you have sex, on day one or months later in the end you've had sex. He has a point and I respect his opinion, however I feel that with females its basically about having a conscious. Some females wouldn't think twice about having sex on the first date or with multiple people. While others may do it, and later regret it and its forever in the back of their mind. "I had sex with him too soon; am I a ho? does he feel differently about me? where do we go from now?"
Another question was, what exactly qualifies as a first date?
Basically whats the difference between going home from the club with someone, and
chilling for the first time (outside of the club) which could be the next day!
I hope this all makes sense.
It was a good conversation, we both ended up falling asleep while watching "The Hangover."
Alcohol is not my thing too much, I prefer L's any day to drinking.


Lady G & Honey B - Telephone
Telephone - Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce
This is my 100th post, and I wanted to post something 100th mark worthy.
I've been seeing stills from this video all week, and didn't think much of it but hoooney this video is giving me life or as the atl folk say shawty it was a MOOVIE lol jk. From the jail house scene (that bad ass jailbird dress, addressing the dick rumors and the overall fashion.) If I get to dress like that in prison, lock me up!
I've only heard the song one other time, and I have nothing bad to say; I like it.
This is one video, I could watch over and over and never get tired of seeing.
Why can't artist give us shit like this on a daily!


New Job!
I was really doubting myself, when it came to if I had a chance at getting the job but guess what!!
I got the job, the pay is good and I start training next week  The only problem is whether I'm going to try and work two jobs or quit my current one. The lady who called me, doesn't think it'll be easy trying to balance two jobs and maybe summer school. I'll figure something out.

P.S I miss my weave already!


One of everything...pls!
 Words can't explain how excited I was to come home from a long day at work (yesterday) and see that the Hellz Bellz Spring 2010 collection "Obsessed With You" dropped. I've been anxious for this, every since I got a sneak peak a couple months back. I think I posted a few pics, from the collect not too long ago as well. I tried to pick my favorite looks and pieces but eventually said fuck it, I want it all. Hellz Bellz continues to amaze me drop after drop, from the pieces, the lookbook, makeup, and accessories.This collection, "reflects an obscure view of modern fashion and the obsession that it becomes."
"Fashion may be work to some and it may be a hobby for others, but for popular culture it will forever be an obsession."
Yaaasss, pls continue to give me life HLZ!
View the complete lookbook here
Gramercy Gardens!
Married To The Mob "Gramercy Gardens" Spring 2010
There are a few pieces that I like from this collection, however its safe to admit that I'm slowly outgrowing this brand. Don't mistake it, I'll forever rep MOB, and love the history & meaning behind it all but as far as wearing t-shirts with vulgar slogans and overpriced tunics and tanks is concerned I'm hanging it up.
Not to mention the line is becoming mad commercial, I've been seeing it in one too many videos. Exposure is good don't get me wrong, but it takes away from it being underground. Which is what streetwear is all about, right??!!
view the full lookbook here!


 Money to blow

Thursday I had my interview with Nordstrom, and it's really up in the air on whether or not I think I'll get the job. If I don't get it, it's nothing to cry over. It's not like I'm unemployed, I'll know in 7-10 days. Anyway, afterward of course I had to do some shopping. I spent waaay too much money, like I literally lost my head. I just felt like since I don't have anything planned for Spring Break, then why not. The only thing I really regret is, how much I spent on make-up. As far as everything else, I came up on a lot of good deals. That's one thing I can say, I love to shop but when I shop its mostly bargain shopping. I rarely pay full price for anything!! Back to the make-up, I'm new to this whole make-up thing, during '08 xmas break my mom took me to the M.A.C counter and it was over from there. Since that's what I started with, that's all I like. It's not as expensive as I thought it would be, but it does eventually add up. I had to get a new mascara, because I left my brand new mascara with my friend after a night of partying and not bringing my bag in the club. Talk about tight, I hadn't even had it for a week and she lives in all the way in Alabama so I was fucked. I also got concealer and a powder thingy (skin finish ) lol or whatever. So thats one was make-up purchase, then I got stopped by a lady at one of those booths and she talked me into buying some type of mineral pigments called Bella Terra. I kept telling her no thanks, but then she threw in two brushes ( shadow, and eyeliner ) and I gave in. So I got 9 pigments, and two brushes for $50.
I also copp'd -
  • Juicy Couture earrings and a necklace
  • Two bags from Aldo
  • Two skirts and a obey hat
  • Vans


*I'm also weave free, lol. It was long overdue for that mess to come out. I'm probably going to wear my own hair for a while. Then again I always say that and within two weeks im wanting a weave.
How Can..
a person know the true meaning of a friend, when they're so quick 
to place the label on anyone..


 This week is Mid-terms, and I'm not stressing like I thought I would be. 
Most of my classes are fairly easy.
Two take home mid-terms, one group project, and two in class. 
So basically I just have to study my ass off.
Lately I've been obsessed with lace and dramatic sleeves, you can kind 
of see my top in the pictures.
I'm ready for Spring, this weather is mad bipolar. 
One day it's 60 degree's then today it wants to snow.
I hope it's not too late to talk about my weekend, it was very interesting! Friday, I didn't have class so I spent the day shopping and eventually ended up chilling with new potential.
Don't want to get too personal, but I've only known dude for a short while and It seems to be going in the right direction. I'm never one to get ahead of myself and gain feelings too quickly because most dudes usually show me their true colors within a week or two after us "talking". I met his parents, and lawwd was it awkward. One of his moms' 20 questions was if I was on birth control, smh I didn't expect that at all. Lmao, it was coo though, I made it out alive.
I worked all day Saturday, and Chilled around Sunday and ended up at Club Frequency later that night. Which was a fail for numerous reasons, and I'll leave it at that.

-I'm not feeling the environment of my job at all, the pay is good so I'm trying to ignore the differences and hope that I'll get used to it. I had a phone interview with Nordstrom yesterday, which led to an in person interview with them Thursday. So hopefully I get the job! 


Trey Songz - Neighbors Know My Name
Love the song, the video is aiiight. I mean it didn't get me all hot & bothered like most 
females seem to have gotten.
However, Panty Droppa is my shit!
I would love a full song and video for that.


 Where Is Your Chin Strap?
So the other day, Natalie (from #BGC) or Miss "I Run L.A" as she likes to proclaim and Lil Duval ended up on the same flight to L.A and this was the result. I'm over here in tears, while the chin chokes are getting old Lil Duval never fails to brighten my day with the shit he says.
"I can't get off that  perm, that ain't take."
Barbie Clone..
The annul Spring style issue of Fader Magazine, on newsstands March 2nd.
I don't care to read another Nicki Minaj interview, however I had to post this because she's rocking the Dimepiece "Barbie Clone" tank and what looks to be the MadeMe x Radio Rose denim vest. Which I'm soo tight I slept on, aahh!!
 Art Appreciated
Yesterday I went to an art gallery for the first time, and it was pretty dope. I had to go for my art appreciation class, and I thought it would be a drag and so pointless but I enjoyed it. If you're in the Atlanta area, you should check it out; The place is called Peter's Street Framers, and the artist whose work is being highlighted right now is Manuela Valenti. I took a lot of pictures, but I'm not sure if I was even supposed to so I'm not going to post them up, don't want to get sued lol. You never know, most of Valenti's pieces range from $380-$3,300.


Can't Buy My Love
Happy Valentines/ Single Awareness Day!
 These have to be the nastiest candies ever. I used to hate having parties in 
elementary and receiving a shit load of these.

I don't even know what it means to be bitter on this so called holiday. For the past few years, I haven't cared whether I had a valentine or not. Of course my heart isn't made of stone, and I'll always have that dream vday mapped out in my head. 
But I get the feeling for a long time, it'll be just that; a dream.
 Last year I semi-had a Valentine, it was last minute and a complete fail. 
Simply said, when and If I ever meet that other half I hope he makes everyday feel like vday and not just one day out of the year. 
I'm a simple type of girl, and the smallest things make me smile.
A card (with a special note), teddy bear, chocolate covered strawberries, and roses.
Until then, Today I'll settle on treating myself. 
I'm not exactly sure what my plans will consist 
of but I refuse to sit in this 4x4 and sulk in boredom.

Whether you have a Valentine or not, male or female.
Enjoy your day and treat yourself!


Something Like Heaven
"...more than 20 cash registers & 85 fitting rooms!"
This is a new Forever 21 anchor store, located in L.A
Aside from it being 85,000 square feet; the organization, set up and visual displays are dope.
If you're not a fan of Forever 21, then you won't understand. 
Whenever I visit LA, I'm making sure this is one of my stops.
Until then, I'll settle for our little two story F21.


I don't know what it is about Ross, but he get's me every time.
Sorry just having a moment.
Long Live McQueen
Leave up to one if not my only favorite streetwear brand as of late (Hellz Bellz) to 
release a tee hailing the great Alexander McQueen.
"This specific style we’re providing has been in the works for awhile now, and was set to launch for the Fall 2010 collection, but due to the recent loss of the beloved designer, Hellz would love to show their condolence to the passing of this great human and release it in Alexanders memory."
The shirts will be available through February 19th!
Get yours now, at the Hellz Shop for $40.
Rest In Peace
March 16, 1969 – February 11, 2010


Rain Rain, Go Away
Top | Hellz Bellz | Leggings | Allen B. | Boots | Alloy
It's been raining all day, if it's one thing I dislike about Atlanta that would be it.
This week went by fast, and I can finally breath a sigh a relief. Up until today, It's been non-stop
homework & studying. It also didn't help that, after a weekend of partying 
I woke up Monday feeling like shit.
I rarely get sick, and when I do it kicks my ass.
I hope I'm better before Vday, even though I don't have one yet.
I have a feeling its going to turn out in my favor and be one to remember.


Silence = Death
Excuse my huur, anyway MadeMe is slowly becoming one of my loves.
Even though I mos def got raped on the price, oh well.