I haven't been posting much, nothing interesting has been going on in my world.
Just the usual, working, making money, chilling around, and did I mention making money.
I'm sure everyone has their internet peeves, well let me express my biggest blogspot peeve.
I understand, you want to share your current favorites or some random song but why must it be automatic. I hate the fact that I'm jamming to my own shit, and I visit your blog and the shit cuts in with mine.
I don't get too many of these, but for those who have done this or just to avoid this in the future. You telling me to follow your blog, just makes me do the opposite. I make it a point to visit anyone who follows my blog or comments on a post, ya know just as a thanks/gesture. Whether I comment or follow, is simply up to me and of course your blog content. If your shit is all over the place, blinding colors, or just doesn't move me. I won't return or follow.
hate to be a bitch, but I'm just saying.
Just A Misunderstanding

I'm trying my best to not turn this blog into fifty-fifty, which focuses on fashion, music, entertainment and all that dope shit. However, with popular street brands such as; hellz bellz, MOB, DMPC, MadeMe, etc. releasing their fall/winter drops it's being brought to my attention once again why streetwear isn't for everyone. The above quote is from someone's opinion under a concreteloop spotlight did on DMPC in '07.
It's comment like those that cause me to shake my head. During my first year of college, I had about 3 fashion related projects and I dedicated them all to streetwear. While I love to keep streetwear underground and have people wonder what I'm wearing, I hate when people throw shade at the culture, and know nothing about it.
Streetwear i'm sure isn't intended for a particular demographic, however if it's anything it's the opposite of urban wear. No I'm not about to go do studies and statistics because it's not that deep but most of the people I know or see rocking these brands aren't African American. As far as having African American's model the brands, well there aren't many of those too pick from.
And as a disclaimer I don't rock streetwear 24/7, one thing I have said and will continue to claim is that streetwear can be a bit pricey and a bitch like me will glady go to F21 before I cash out $40-$50 on a t-shirt. It's all in the love of why those brands and streetwear as a whole exist and the entire concept, culture and meaning of it all that I admire and have grown to appreciate and love. Simply put, it's not for everyone so either you like it or you don't and most won't.
AND those that don't are usually the one's rocking plastic barbie jewelry, leggings and jean skirts, too small baby girl tee's and showcasing their muffin' tops.
Wishlist - Larissa velcro strap sandal
Da Long Way

"Got about another 1/2 hr on this greyhound ! dlx_xlb "da long way" stack money boyz is on & I thought of my patna jaz lmao MeL~"
A lot of people don't believe males and females can be just friends. While a lot of females prefer to have male friends. And I'm one of those females, I swear I'd rather chill with a dude over looking in a female's face all day. Don't get me wrong, males are just as nosy, gossip worthy, and filled with bitchassness as females. But its still my preference.
I'm going to miss my homie over these next couple of months, I haven't even told him I'm not going to be there for the fall. However he probably already figured it out because I would've been hitting him up to partyyy and get into trouble by now.
No female should ever be "That Girl"
From time to time, you'll catch me posting some of my favorite poems.
I came across this not too long ago, and it's a poem
most females young and old should here at least once.
Another Boring Weekend
New layout/theme, whatever you want to call it. I wanted to lighten it up a bit, like?This is just a brief and quick update, my mood has quickly went from chill and relax to irritated and bored. So I'll be calling it a night early, another boring weekend.
and I also want to thank my new followers, appreciate it!
Can someone tell me why the date and everything else is automatically on the bottom of the post. Or is it just my layout? Idk, but I'm not feeling it.
wishing everyone else a good weekend <3
bored with life,
new theme,
Money Is My Motivation

Friday, we got to return home and I was more than ready to be back in my own bed. Being at a hotel for a week, made me wonder how celebrities travel on tour buses and sleep in hotels for months at a time. I don't think I'd be able to handle it, there's nothing like that home feeling.
I got the confirmation that everything checked out with the job, and I have training tomorrow. I'm so excited, I was getting nervous because of a incident that happened a few yrs ago while hanging with one of my cousins. Lets just say I never went to court, but then again I never received papers saying I had to either. Oh well, all that matters is that I got the job and now I can begin saving and working towards things that will determine where I'll be this upcoming January. It's going to be mad hard, to resist temptation when It comes to shopping. I'm on F21 & 80's purple as I type browsing potential items. It's only part time, so depending on the consistency of my schedule I'm thinking about finding a 3rd job, sounds hectic but I have to do what I have to do. $$$ is the only thing that matters to me at this point in my life!
I finally made a trip to the nail salon, I went to get a pedicure but I got a discount so I went ahead and got my nails done as well. It's hard for me to get used to the one color nail thing. I'm so used to going all out with designs and such, it's also hard for me to find a solid color that compliments my skin tone without being too bright and bold. and quite frankly white tips are booring!
Going to bed, I have to be up early tomorrow; work, errands, training and more errands.
I've reached 5 followers, thanks I appreciate it!!
I can't complain!
Moving Along
I have internet after all, this is our second day at the hotel and I'm ready to go home already. The only plus is the exercise room. I got a much needed work out in today. I've gained a lot of weight over these past few months from being back home and not being as active as I was in atl.
Things are moving along with this job, I had my last interview Monday! Now I'm waiting on my background check, I don't think I have anything to worry about. They changed my position to basically running the home department. It's going to be interesting and very new. This would be my first retail/sales job, and the lady said she feels I'm too advanced for fitting rooms and replenishing. And that I'll be fine, lets hope so!

Every time I attempt to take pictures with my Sk, I get mad because I had a nice ass Cannon camera and those bums just had to violate and rob me for my shit. I plan to buy one as soon as I start working, as well as a laptop. I plan to search for a new laptop during Black Friday. I'm not trying to wait that long for a camera though, I've had a Sony, Samsung, and a Cannon and now I want a Nikon. Taking pictures with my Sk sucks.
High Standards

- Job
- Your own place
- Car
- In school
Anywho, this weather has been so nasty lately, its raining as I type. The perfect weather to be cuddling with that special someone. In my case I'm going to stuff face, watch a movie, and read my book. I'm currently reading "Crackhead II" its a good read if you're into urban fiction.
I'm supposed to give this situation another chance tonight, once he gets off work we're going to get up and chill, at least those are the plans we'll see out it turns out.
I won't be updating for about a week or so, they're about to start working on the inside of our house and we can't be in here due to the lead.
One More Round
Facebook is going to be the end of me, not literally facebook but some of the apps.
My friend recently got me started on the UNO craze, and I have to play at least once a day.
Last week, I wouldn't have been able to give someone instructions on how to play, but its a way to kill boredom.
I'm also guilty of taking some of the quizzes, its interesting because the results are always true.
I just took the "What Does Your Birthday Say About You?" and I couldn't have said it better myself minus a few things.
My weekend was decent, I went to a party Saturday and realized that it will be my last hall party. The problem is, when you're so used to a certain environment, music, and setting. Its hard to transition. Don't get me wrong, its nice to get out of the house and be social and what not but its not worth sweating out my perm and wasting a good outfit. Not even 5mins after walking into the party, I started sweating because it was unbearably hot. And the killer is that, they have windows but they were boarded up - can we say fire hazard.
and If you step outside, you have to pay to get back in.
Today was supposed to be the day I finally got my license, however I had to reschedule due to not having all of the car titles and registration. I lost my deposit, which I didn't have to lose. It's probably best I rescheduled though because I feel like I need more practice parking. I mean who parallel parks on a daily basis, not me.
My friend recently got me started on the UNO craze, and I have to play at least once a day.
Last week, I wouldn't have been able to give someone instructions on how to play, but its a way to kill boredom.
I'm also guilty of taking some of the quizzes, its interesting because the results are always true.
I just took the "What Does Your Birthday Say About You?" and I couldn't have said it better myself minus a few things.
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others andMy birthday is 050190, shout out to all my Tauruses!loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding.Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling.Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.
My weekend was decent, I went to a party Saturday and realized that it will be my last hall party. The problem is, when you're so used to a certain environment, music, and setting. Its hard to transition. Don't get me wrong, its nice to get out of the house and be social and what not but its not worth sweating out my perm and wasting a good outfit. Not even 5mins after walking into the party, I started sweating because it was unbearably hot. And the killer is that, they have windows but they were boarded up - can we say fire hazard.
and If you step outside, you have to pay to get back in.
Today was supposed to be the day I finally got my license, however I had to reschedule due to not having all of the car titles and registration. I lost my deposit, which I didn't have to lose. It's probably best I rescheduled though because I feel like I need more practice parking. I mean who parallel parks on a daily basis, not me.
facebook apps,
party life,
weekend update
From Bad To Worst
So its pretty much decided that I have to take this upcoming semester off.
I'm trying not to think about it and stay positive, but that's a big deal.
Long story short, I don't have enough $$ to pay for this semester.
No scholarships, and basically supporting myself so it is what it is.
It's my fault for not really applying for scholarships and waiting till the last minute. I have searched for scholarships but most of them that I find, I don't qualify for. It makes me mad, because my balance was such a petty amount. All I can do is learn from this set-back and try to avoid for the future. The plan is basically for me to, work my ass off and either pay out of pocket or hopefully I'll earn a scholarship for spring. I've been on my shit lately, I called UNCF and found out about scholarships, Salliemae, and I'm going to call one of my family members who used to run the financial aid department for Morehouse to get advice and hopefully a few connects.
Another headache has been that my mom wants me to change my major, and look at cheaper schools. We all know how expensive Clark is, is it worth it..nah? but it's what you make of it. The way I see it, if you haven't experienced college at a HBCU let alone CAU, then you don't understand. That's really my main concern, while I have my dislikes about CAU, I couldn't picture myself being anywhere else. I'm still going to apply to other schools just in case and as a back up.
Enough about that sob story.
It's mos def about to be 4am, so that only leaves one thing, sleep!
I'm trying not to think about it and stay positive, but that's a big deal.
Long story short, I don't have enough $$ to pay for this semester.
No scholarships, and basically supporting myself so it is what it is.
It's my fault for not really applying for scholarships and waiting till the last minute. I have searched for scholarships but most of them that I find, I don't qualify for. It makes me mad, because my balance was such a petty amount. All I can do is learn from this set-back and try to avoid for the future. The plan is basically for me to, work my ass off and either pay out of pocket or hopefully I'll earn a scholarship for spring. I've been on my shit lately, I called UNCF and found out about scholarships, Salliemae, and I'm going to call one of my family members who used to run the financial aid department for Morehouse to get advice and hopefully a few connects.
Another headache has been that my mom wants me to change my major, and look at cheaper schools. We all know how expensive Clark is, is it worth it..nah? but it's what you make of it. The way I see it, if you haven't experienced college at a HBCU let alone CAU, then you don't understand. That's really my main concern, while I have my dislikes about CAU, I couldn't picture myself being anywhere else. I'm still going to apply to other schools just in case and as a back up.
Do your parents support your goals and decisions you've made in life or plan to make?
Enough about that sob story.
It's mos def about to be 4am, so that only leaves one thing, sleep!
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