Friday, we got to return home and I was more than ready to be back in my own bed. Being at a hotel for a week, made me wonder how celebrities travel on tour buses and sleep in hotels for months at a time. I don't think I'd be able to handle it, there's nothing like that home feeling.
I got the confirmation that everything checked out with the job, and I have training tomorrow. I'm so excited, I was getting nervous because of a incident that happened a few yrs ago while hanging with one of my cousins. Lets just say I never went to court, but then again I never received papers saying I had to either. Oh well, all that matters is that I got the job and now I can begin saving and working towards things that will determine where I'll be this upcoming January. It's going to be mad hard, to resist temptation when It comes to shopping. I'm on F21 & 80's purple as I type browsing potential items. It's only part time, so depending on the consistency of my schedule I'm thinking about finding a 3rd job, sounds hectic but I have to do what I have to do. $$$ is the only thing that matters to me at this point in my life!
I finally made a trip to the nail salon, I went to get a pedicure but I got a discount so I went ahead and got my nails done as well. It's hard for me to get used to the one color nail thing. I'm so used to going all out with designs and such, it's also hard for me to find a solid color that compliments my skin tone without being too bright and bold. and quite frankly white tips are booring!
Going to bed, I have to be up early tomorrow; work, errands, training and more errands.
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I can't complain!
Money Makes The World Go 'Round -Regardless Of How Your Feeling, The Time And The Temperature Outside. I Learned That When I Was 14. Since Then Ive Been Working 2 Jobs At A Time. Your Getting A 3rd One? Your Reeaal. Ambition.
Dont Tucker Yourself Out!
& The Nail Thing? I Always Get My Colors On Too -Looking Like I Dug My Fingers In Skittles And Ish, Lol.
so this is where you are blogging..lol j/k...but yay for having a job!! I wish I could have a job...I have to go without my nails did..and my eyebrows waxed [eeek] && I love to get colors...like orange purple green..but i never get a full nail..i'll usually get tips but instead of the white...i'll get my color...oh how i miss getting my nails done...maybe i'll hustle my dad...I feel you on that 3rd job...stack your paper...so that everything can work in your favor by the time january comes around!!
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