So the holiday season as officially begun, well to me it has.
one down, three to go.
I didn't celebrate Halloween, well at least not the fun of actually dressing like a skank and getting away with it. Maybe next year!
Two of my friends were in town for the weekend, so the whole crew got together and basically had a little reunion. We were supposed to go to a haunted house, but that didn't go as planned so we just went to Applebee's, and then hung out afterward and drank and smoke.
I usually prefer smoking to drinking, mainly because I've had a few bad experiences and liquor just has a bad taste to me. However since I never know when I'll have to go to court, I don't want to risk dropping dirty. So last night Apple Vodka was my friend! This morning proved why I don't normally drink, I felt like shit. I hate feeling like I have to throw up but it won't come up uuughh. & then this daylight savings shit is not what's up. I woke up thinking it's like 12pm/1pm and it was only 10am, the hell? I decided to get breakfast, went to BK and they weren't serving even though it was like 10:28am, and feeling like shit I wasn't in the mood to argue with them so I took my drunk ass across the street to McDonald's and what do ya know they were serving breakfast. I guess BK forgot to set their clocks back or something.
It seems like time is moving sooo slow, and I know I'm not going to like this shit when it comes to work.
Speaking of work, as each day passes I can't wait to put my two weeks in. I don't dislike retail
yet but I understand why a lot of people do. The main thing I deal with on a daily is rudeness. I continuously have to bite my tongue and remember patience is key. I'm not fond of my co-workers either, those old hags are almost as rude as the customers. Just being the type of person I am, I don't care how long you've been here or what authority you think you have but you're not going to talk to me like I'm a child, let alone your child. Even though I don't plan on quitting, just transferring I'll be glad to be in a different environment and hopefully working with better ppl. They're also cutting hours, which I don't understand. It's the holiday season, which means we'll be busier [hopefully] so why am I going from 25-30hrs a week to 20-22 shit makes no since.
Which means no more shopping for me, I'll have to put the majority of my $$$ into my savings.
and last but not least, I'm officially starting my countdown.
I have 2mths to be exact until I'm back where I want & need to be and reunited with him.
Speaking of him, I sent a drunk FB message last night and loooord was I out that thang.
I read it this morning and can you say embarrassing!