Idk why this is such a big decision for me, but I'm not sure if I should/want to stay on campus. My first year dorm experience was NOT a good one, for one it was a fucking jail cell. Like seriously you would roll over and be looking at your roommate. I wasn't fond of my suit-mates, and I went through 3 roommates (due to their own financial reasons). We had visitation rules, which only added to the jail theme of it all. I understand their thing with safety but come on we're all adults age wise, treat us like it. Our visitation hrs were like 6pm-11pm the hell? even on the weekends!
If I decide to stay on campus it'll be in a different dorm but most of the same rules apply. I'll just have my own room & share a bathroom with 3 other people.
I'm really thinking of how convenient it'll be, although all of my classes are back to back (thank lord) it still has it's benefits.
VS. staying off campus
- Own (spacious) bedroom
- Own bathroom
- More freedom
-furnished/utilities included
- Cheaper
ahhh decisions, decisions!
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