Fine Timing

Even though it's technically 9/12, I thought I'd briefly take a minute to acknowledge the tragedy of 9/11. I'm sure everyone will always remember what they were doing and where they were when it all happened. It's crazy that's it's been 8yrs, I was in the 6th grade, at school in health class. I think an announcement was made, and then they turned on the tv and there it was. I won't dwell on it too much, but my prayers go out to all the lives and families forever changed.

Lately I've been thinking about my future and life in general, It's nothing new but lately it's been consuming my mind. Yesterday I finally got in touch with my financial aid adviser and was already pissed because I've been trying to reach him for about two weeks now, maybe longer. Then to make things worst, I find out that I could have got a scholarship to take care of the rest of my balance.
If I hopped on the next thing smoking I probably would still be able to attend, however I've already dropped my classes and have a job to attend to. So I just deferred everything until January for the spring semester.

What else, this lady came to my register today and had the coolest fucking accent ever. She was from Australia, she thought everything was mad cheap and that snuggies were amazingly ridiculous. It just added more confirmation as to why I love and want to travel. There's so much more to experience in life than what we settle for.

& lastly saving $$$ is a challenge, I just want to shop my life away but responsibilities and priorities come first right?

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