Everyone has went their separate ways, and things are slowly returning to normal now.
My uncle is finally laid to rest and while I had a good time with my family I just wish death wasn't the cause of us all being together again.
My last update was about me finally getting my license, well now I can add getting my first ticket to the list. ALREADY? Yep, crazy but oh well. I plan to fight it because he clearly could of gave me a warning especially being that I have no record, and that I'd just gotten my license like 2 days ago.
& then someone did the EXACT same thing, I got pulled for and no one pulled them over. Of course the attitude in me questioned him about it and his excuse was that he was citing me so he couldn't pull them over when clearly there were two other police cars behind him. It's all bullshit and a big waste of time if you ask me, but well see how it ends when I go to court.
Work is work, I opened a savings account today because its so easy for me to spend money when Its sitting in my checking. & to be honest, I need to save as much money as I can, so hopefully that will help.
My Step dad finally got a memory card for his camera, so expect to see more WDYWT & Random pics. Still going to get my own, I'm going to settle for the Nikon S220.
I just finished watching FD4, and I'll give it a 3/5. I'm glad that I didn't pay money to see it in theaters, and that it's supposedly the last one. The acting and quality was overall poor, the 2nd one was the best IMO.
* Excuse the bad hair in the pic, I have a hair appointment Saturday, I'm bringing the bangs back.
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