I logged onto tumblr for the first time, in 4 months! Not to sound like a geek or whatever, I've been on the internet but mainly fb and twitter. I'm never on long enough to blog or check any of my favorite blogs, fashion sites, hear new music, etc. Either way, it doesn't matter anymore. To sum my summer up; it wasn't shit. All I've done was work, cake up, party every other week/end, and work. While people are getting settled into a new school year..I'm still waiting on my financial aid with CAU to come through. Its not totally their fault this time, I procrastinated all summer and should of been turned in all the necessary forms. Idk, my main focus has been work and $$$. I'm not excited about clark like I used to be, don't get me wrong I love my university as a whole but when it comes to my education, money (debt) and career I have to do whats best. Clark to me is all hype, especially being a fashion major. I haven't learned shit and quite frankly I feel like I'm wasting my $$$. Not too long ago, I was talking with my manager. She said she hired me, because she felt bad that I was going to CAU as a fashion major, she went to FIDM so its understandable that she thinks that. But ain't that some shit! I'm gonna wait and see what happens but in the meantime I looking at transferring to the Art Institute the only thing is that I keep hearing bad things about there as well. I'm just confused.
Not everything is bad, I'm close to someone right now whose pretty much been the highlight of my summer. I don't go around saying I have a boyfriend, because I don't like titles (he hates that) so right now were untitled but 100% dedicated to one another. He gets on my nerves at times, and he has his flaws but I'm not perfect either and I'd rather be with something that cares about me over what I can do for them.
That's pretty much it, I'm not going to even vent about work. It's something new at that place everyday. Lets just say we opened in April and a lot of people have quit and or currently looking elsewhere. My sister will be here for good Tuesday. So that should be interesting, and good to have some immediate family close by.
I'm also almost done paying off my car, I feel like this car has been the main reason for my stress all summer. For all I've been through I might as well had went to a dealership. I'll just be glad when its all over.